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Why is your name Smarti?
Well my real name is Sara Martí. I used my first name Sara while growing up but I was always surrounded by other Sara(h)s and I found it frustrating to share my name with so many others. Finally, at college I earned a new nickname when I wore a nametag at work that only used first initial and last name.  S.Marti. And it stuck. Now only my family and friends call me Sara and everyone else calls me Smarti. And I love it that way.

Where are you from?
I’m from the USA, but my dad was in the military, so we moved around a lot but I spent most of my middle school, high school and college life in Florida - so I call myself a Floridian. My mom is from Spain, so I have dual citizenship too. But I can truly only consider myself a summer holiday Spaniard since I never actually lived there. Culturally, I’m more USAmerican than anything. I'm mostly just an expat.
Where do you live?
Right now I live in Windhoek, Namibia in a sunny townhouse overlooking the hills.
What do you do as an illustrator?
I sketch, draw, paint and graphically record people, animals, objects, architecture and live concerts and events. I turn them into portraits, treasure maps, tourist walks, and paper keepsakes like prints, postcards and bookmarks. 
How did you become an illustrator?
I always enjoyed drawing but to be honest I wasn't very good. And I was interested in a thousand other things and an ambitious over-achiever. So I went through a lot of other short pursuits, like technical writing, then diplomacy, then graphic design, then social design. I inserted drawing as I went along, but never really invested in improving. It was just a safe space to be when I burned out from everything else.

After my second graduate degree (lifelong learner here) in Paris, I I found myself using all my extra time drawing people and checking out illustration books and graphic novels from the library. France appreciates art and takes it seriously. Somehow that was the permission I needed. It took me years of drawing to finally find my “voice” and realize my heart was actually in illustration. And while I still have so much more to learn in illustration - so so much more - I couldn’t imagine investing time into doing anything else.


Did you go to art school?
Not exactly. In my graphic design degree we didn’t learn illustration beyond logo sketches and some lettering. My time at Paris College of Art should count as an art school, but my masters degree there didn’t really deal with art in the traditional sense. It was more of design thinking. So nope. Anyway, my illustration skills are self-taught. I have yet to go to school for that...but maybe that's in my future?

Which languages do you speak?
Well English, of course. Spanish, Portuguese, French. I could do basic LevelA Danish, but I’m quickly forgetting now that we’ve left Denmark. I’m learning Owambo here in Namibia, but I’ve only managed to learn a couple of phrases so far.
How many countries have you lived in?
11: USA. Japan. Guatemala. Singapore. Angola. Brazil. United Kingdom. Argentina. France. Denmark. Namibia. ​​

How do I best get in touch with you about a project?
Send me an email at that includes the project name, the concept ideas, the things you’d like for me as an illustrator to contribute, size, color, etc. Include as much information as you can, maybe even a sample of something you’ve seen me do before? Then we can set up a 1:1 call or meeting and go from there. 

Can you illustrate my book/pamphlet/’zine?
Maybe. Zip me an email to with some information about the budget and what the project includes.
Do you take on personal commissions like portraits, wedding invitations or birth announcements?
Oooh, yes, I love doing these. But I have a limited amount of time to dedicate to it, so I’m rather picky about who and what I will do commissions for. But if you are keen, then reach out at and I’ll let you know if I’ve got time in my schedule for it.
Will you design a logo for me?
Nope, sorry. That’s just not my happy place.
Do you sell prints or products of your work?
Thanks for asking. Not at the moment, but I do limited print runs from time to time of projects which I share in my newsletter. You can sign up here to be one of the first to learn about new prints and projects.

Do you work for free?
Short answer: Egads, no! 

Long answer: My time and experience are valuable because illustrations sparks visual awareness, it simplifies information, it increases retention, it enhances focus and more importantly, it creates emotional connections that are critical for people, brands and businesses. Because I know the value of my work, I cannot offer it for free. However, if you are under the umbrella of social business or social enterprise that offers services or products for Animals, Conservation, Culture, Community or Environment - I can offer discounts. 

What is a social business?
A social business aims at improving a social objective without focusing on profit, but rather on only recouping money invested. It is not a non-profit. But it is non-loss. And the focus is right-sized to fixing problems such as healthcare for the poor, nutrition for malnourished, renewable energy, safe drinking water, etc. You can learn more about it at the Yunus Centre website.
What is ACCCE?
ACCCE companies is a term I use to explain the initiatives of social businesses I am interested in supporting. It stands for Animals, Culture, Community, Conservation and Environment. I prioritize working with them because I believe we can all do our part for a better future, and I want to do what I can to help them make our world a better place.
Can I use one of your existing illustrations for logo/product/blog/business/article?
Normally no. But if you are a social business - then drop me an email at with your purpose and information and specific use for my existing illustration. I’ll do my best to get back to you!

Can I interview you for my blog/magazine/podcast, etc?
What a delight - yes, very likely! Just send me an email at so that I can understand you, your audience, the kinds of questions and see how I can be helpful.

Is your question not answered here?
Drop it in at
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